New The Dark Knight Rises Image Show Bane’s Scars

A new image from The Dark Knight Rises has surfaced that shows us exactly why Bane wears that monstrous face mask throughout the duration of the film.

The image shows actor Tom Hardy from behind with his shirt off. A massive scar is clearly visible from his neck right down his spinal column. There’s additional scarring up on the top of his shaved head as well.

During The Dark Knight Rises prologue, Bane tells a CIA agent that it would be extremely painful for them to remove the mask. As it has been explained, the mask delivers painkillers to Bane required to managed the pain that his spinal injury persistently delivers. I’ve got a hunch that Batman will find a way to get that mask off his head.

The Dark Knight Rises stars Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman, Marion Cotillard, Joseph-Gordon Levitt, Michael Caine, and likely a cameo by Liam Neeson. Bane will give the Bat a run for his money when Christopher Nolan’s final Batman film opens in theaters and on IMAX on July 20, 2012.

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