New PS3 Model Appears Imminent

Is the 80GB PS 3 SKU dead or not? Rampant rumors flying around the past week would seem to indicate it is. But Sony continues to take a defiant “no comment on rumor or speculation” stance regardless of what anyone else says.

The latest someone to unofficially indicate a bigger, bagger PS3 is forthcoming is none other than GameStop. Apparently the retailer let it slip during their latest conference call that the 80GB SKU was being phased out, to be replaced by a new SKU in the near future.

The exact when and how big of the new Playstation 3 model isn’t know, but separate GameStop sources say 120 GB and a new Dual Shock 3 controller is what to expect.

The upcoming Game Developers Conference (GDC) in a few weeks presents the perfect platform for Sony to “officially” unveil their PVR-primed new Playstation 3, don’t you think?

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