New Perfect Dark Zero downloadable content and demo

Microsoft Game Studios this morning announced both a free downloadable demo and new content for “Perfect Dark Zero” is coming soon, though just how soon remains to be seen.

The demo will offer both solo, split-screen co-op and Xbox Live co-op gameplay modes for The Outpost level. Upcoming free auto-updates are highlighted by the all-new multiplayer map Plaza. Bot fans will enjoy deploying 8 new bot personalities in Plaza including Judge Bots that instinctively attack the player with the most kills, Bully Bots that attack the player with the least, Venge Bots that are constantly out for blood by targeting the last person that killed them and last but not least, relentless DarkOps Bots.

Additional premium paid content is scheduled to include more all-new multiplayer maps, though how and how much have yet to be revealed.

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