Guillermo del Toro’s Pacific Rim is like the shy kid in the corner, not willing to let anyone see his face until he’s ready for them to do so. We’re less than a year away from the film’s release and, thus far, the only people outside the production to have caught a glimpse of the film’s gigantic monsters and robots in action are a few thousand
sardines people who crammed into Hall H at Comic-Con back in mid-July.
The first post-Comic-Con Pacific Rim images have surfaced via Empire Magazine and, like those before them, are devoid of robots and monsters. There’s another look at what appears to be the pilot console for one of the robots, but nothing involving any visual effects.
There are a couple new looks at sets that we haven’t seen before, both of which looked unintentionally borrowed from the recent Total Recall remake. That hole in the ground sure looks like the aftermath of a monster attack.
Pacific Rim invades theaters on July 12, 2013, and stars Rinko Kikuchi, Charlie Hunnam, Idris Elba, Charlie Day and Ron Perlman.

Source: SHH