New Gloomy ZombieU Images Hit the Web

New ZombieU Images Hit the WebA handful of new gloomy snapshots from Ubisoft’s upcoming WIi U launch title ZombieU have hit the web in the most unlikeliest of places: Entertainment Weekly. Because EW’s forte is certainly not video games, the images have been unfortunately shrunk down to Hobbit size. I’ll be after the high resolution versions to pass along early next week.

The premise behind ZombieU couldn’t be more simplistic. You play as a survivor of a zombie apocalypse that must find a way to stay alive. Part of your survival will rely on the use of rations and finding escape routes, and another part on a steady hand, good aim, and quick melee reflexes.

Perhaps the game’s coolest feature is if your character dies, you respawn as another survivor and have to track down your now zombified previous body and retrieve its backpack that had your supplies in it. Inexperienced players may find themselves chasing backpacks more often than not.

Look for ZombieU to be one of the top selling Wii U games behind New Super Mario Bros. U when it arrives on November 18.

New ZombieU Images Hit the Web

New ZombieU Images Hit the Web

New ZombieU Images Hit the Web

New ZombieU Images Hit the Web

New ZombieU Images Hit the Web

Source: EW

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