New Abduction Trailer Sees Taylor Lautner Spin Kick

In Lionsgate’s upcoming thriller Abduction, Taylor Lautner will be seeking to launch what many consider a “slam dunk” action star career without the crutch of Twilight and its massive fan base to lean on. In this film he’s the lead, selling point and everything in between. A theatrical bomb could make studios think twice before shelling out the big bucks again.

The second Abduction trailer is less than half the length of the first trailer, but draws more attention to Lautner’s action scenes. You’ll get to see him punch, spin kick, run, duck, ride, and slide his way from the bad guys lead by Alfred Molina.

Lautner already has the buff body from Twilight training to pull off that part of being an action star. He’s going to need a deeper voice to fully convince me that he’s got a shot at being the next big Hollywood stud. I cringed when he said into the cell “not if I find you first” as it sounds more boyish than manly.

Abduction also co-stars Lily Collins, Sigourney Weaver, Jason Isaacs, Maria Bello, Denzel Whitaker, and Michael Nyqvist. The John Singleton-directed film will be in theaters on September 23.

Watch the Abduction trailer in high definition over at Apple.

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