Mirror Mirror Trailer Furthers Divide Between Snow White Films

Mirror Mirror Trailer Furthers Divide Between Snow White FilmsRelativity Media today debuted the first trailer for their Snow White film Mirror Mirror on the Ellen Show, followed by an online premiere earlier this evening. Coming off the unexpectedly cool Snow White and the Huntsman debut trailer, it’s now crystal clear which of these adaptations is the fairest of them all.

Tarsem Singh directed Mirror Mirror and publicly stated during recent press rounds for Immortals that his vision for the world of Snow White is “sickeningly kiddie,” a “fairy tale for children and the family.” Frankly what was released this evening is insulting to the intellect of kids, much less adults.

For a film that is so “sickeningly kiddie,” the Mirror Mirror trailer includes a spoof line from Scarface. Yes, that Scarface which is the last film any kid under the age of 13 should ever set eyes on. See for yourself below.

I feel bad for Armie Hammer having to appear in this film, at least based on this first-look trailer. After such a strong performance in The Social Network and J. Edgar, here Hammer is forced to read lame one-liners, get beat on by dwarves like a Stooge, and act like a dufus while courting Ms. White (Lily Collins). He must envy Chris Hemsworth as the Huntsman, battling evil in the woods like a man with dignity and purpose.

Many people instinctually connect Snow White with Disney and expect something a little lighter than the dark foreboding tone Snow White and the Huntsman delivers. Even so, last I checked, a queen with “Evil” in her name should reflect some semblance of ill intent. Julia Roberts comes off as a whacky lady in a position of power, content to swap silly lines with Brighton (Nathan Lane) and bumble her way to defeat at the hands of Snow White.

Erin Brockovich seems so long, long ago.

Look for Mirror Mirror in theaters on March 16, 2011, three months ahead of Snow White and the Huntsman and only one week ahead of The Hunger Games, which will almost assuredly overpower it.

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