Michael Sheen Discusses Twilight New Moon Role

This fall, increasingly popular actor Michael Sheen will shed his Underworld werewolf fur and lead the Volturi vampire clan in The Twilight Saga: New Moon.

Empire caught up with Michael recently and was able to get the actor to discuss his role as Aro, the head vampire, and where he felt the character drew inspiration from: “It was nice to go in and not be playing the main part, just go in for a few days and play this really really extraordinary character. I remember I was thinking, ‘Oh, there’s a bit of a Child Catcher here (from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang); bit of the Blue Meanie from The Yellow Submarine; bit of Olivier from Richard III. There was a bit of all kinds of stuff.”

Michael goes on to discuss working with New Moon director Chris Weitz and a core cast much younger than himself, including young star Dakota Fanning as one of his vampire minions. “It was great to work with Chris Weitz; it was a really funny set, really relaxed. We had a lot of things in common, and hopefully we’re going to work together again soon doing something. That might be the thing that I direct, I don’t know yet, you never know.”

Read the rest of the interview over at Empire. Look for The Twilight Saga: New Moon in theaters on November 20.

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