Metacritic: Gears of War 2 Looks to Beat Resistance 2

The high profile exclusives showdown is about to commence when Gears of War 2 for Xbox 360 faces off against Resistance 2 for PS3. Though neither game is in stores yet, reviews are hitting the net and a clear pattern is beginning to emerge.

As we reported earlier, the first handful of reviews for Resistance 2 on Metacritic range from the low 80s up into the mid 90s. Of the five reviews, four are at the 90 level or above.

The official Gears of War 2 embargo lifted this morning and the reviews have begun pouring in. With close to 20 reviews already printed, not a single one rates lower than a 90. Almost one-third of the reviews are a perfect 100 including, the site who rated Resistance 2 in the low 80s.

1UP aside, it would appear critics are embracing Gears of War 2 over Resistance 2 with a 95 average versus 91. Even if Resistance 2 rakes in a slew of 95s, the odds of it surpassing Gears 2 at this point are relatively slim.

We hope to get our hands on both in the coming days and will chime in with our assessment then.

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