Killzone 3 Review at G4

G4 has published a video review of Killzone 3, the upcoming PS3 exclusive sequel that promises to use almost the entirety of a Blu-ray Disc and most of the console’s processing power.

Morgan Webb did the honors of providing the review and raves about the game for a full three minutes. In short she feels Killzone 3 is the best in the franchise yet and applauds the inclusion of Move and picking up the story right where Killzone 2 left off. You can watch her review embedded below.

Some plot holes caused Webb to knock down her Killzone 3 review score to four out of five stars and this is already sparking some debate. Keeping in mind she declared this the best Killzone title available, Webb rated Killzone 2 a perfect five out of five stars. Only 80%, the equivalent of a B-? Really? Take that four out of five star rating with a grain of salt.

Killzone 3 is armed and ready to deploy to PS3 consoles on February 22.

Click here to secure your copy of Killzone 3 in standard or Helghast editions for a discounted price at

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