‘Killzone 2’ PS3 Delayed; New Screenshots and Footage

The recent Sony Gamer’s Day in London, England offered select international journalists the opportunity to be the first people outside of Sony to go hands-on with on of Playstation 3’s upcoming heavy hitters, Killzone 2.

Unfortunately with the opportunity came news of yet another delay, this one pushing Killzone 2 into February 2009. The move in part is to avoid Microsoft’s Gears of War 2 this November, amongst other big holiday releases like Sony’s own Resistance 2.

It seems like Killzone 2 has been in development longer than the PS3, and maybe it has. Can you believe it has been three years since the first Killzone 2 pre-rendered PS3 trailer first appeared? Guerrilla has had ample opportunity to put together a masterpiece and still has 3/4s of a year left. We expect nothing short of perfection.

Word out of London paints a drabber picture for Killzone 2 with reactions ranging from it looks great to been there, done that before. Here are a sampling of choice quotes:

CVG: “There’s another nine months to go yet before launch but if it’s going to compete with the king of the genre (Call of Duty 4, should you need telling) and even Halo 3, the levels need to innovate, shock and surprise a lot more than they currently do. We take nice blurring effects and noisy duck-and-cover shoot outs for granted now.”

Videogamer: “Killzone 2 needs a splash of innovation magic dust if it’s to push the boundaries of the FPS genre, something we are desperately hoping Guerrilla manages to achieve between now and February next year.”

Gamespot: “..the team appears to be doing a brilliant job of recreating the scope and impact felt in war movies”

IGN: “Killzone 2 may be dangerously close to embarking upon the same road as its predecessor in offering ambience to the detriment of its other aspects.”

All flash and no substance, huh? That’s not the endorsement Sony was hoping would flow out of London.

While we wait for our turn to take Killzone 2 hands-on at E3 in July, check out this batch of new screens and gameplay footage.

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