Iron Man 2 Set Visit Part 2 with New Image, S.H.I.E.L.D. Info has published the middle segment in a three-part Iron Man 2 set visit report and shared another new image.

Author Randy Ma confirms several ideas floating around about Iron Man 2’s plot. Spoilers Ahead. The central plot revolves around a world energy crisis that sends Tony Stark digging into his father’s past for answers. While the crisis plays out, Tony struggles with his newly realized celebrity status and his relationship with his father, played in photos and old film footage by Mad Men’s John Slattery.

The new image, which you can see below and click to enlarge, features Robert Downey Jr. as Tony watching old videos looking for clues. The gentleman to his right is Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios.

In talking with Marvel, Feige confirms S.H.I.E.L.D. will play a “much larger role” in Iron Man 2, but stopped short of speaking about Nick Fury’s screen time. He did confirm Agent Coulson is part of the larger role.

Head over to for the second part of their set visit report in its entirety.

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