Heavenly Sword high-res Playstation 3 screenshots

Atop Playstation 3’s playable titles at this year’s E3 is a game currently unrivaled by any other scheduled Sony first party launch window release. “Heavenly Sword” features a red-head combatant who is part Conan, part Bloodrayne, part Prince of Persia, and means all business. Using a varity of sharp weapons – some of which can be used as projectiles and controlled via a first-person perspective while airborne – she lays waste to waves of challengers in an arena during the first playable scene ever shown to the press.

The majority of these high resolution screenshots were snapped during this arena skirmish and showcase a number of the pre-scripted kill moves the heroine has at her disposal. Whether or not she’s able to differentiate her aggressive fighting style from the eerily similar Prince of Persia games is a question whose answer is buried deep within levels we won’t see for awhile.

We’ll have hands-on impressions of “Heavenly Sword” on Playstation 3 from the Sony booth at E3 in the coming days.

– Dan Bradley

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