The past week has seen the arrival of several big trailers, but none have generated as much buzz as Guillermo del Toro’s Pacific Rim. By now you have certainly watched it countless times; I know I have. And you surely have some questions about what’s going on in some of the scenes. I know I do.
Because its such a cool and incredibly talented guy, del Toro sat down with MTV to create a quick director’s commentary for the first look at his monsters (kaiju) versus robots (Jaegers) summer blockbuster. At least one spoiler is revealed so turn back now if you’re sensitive to some plot points.
The little girl seen in the beginning of the trailer is a flashback of Mako (Rinko Kikuchi) when she lost her family to a kaiju attack. This sequence takes place in the middle of the film as we’re getting to understand her character’s motivations for becoming a Jaeger pilot. Her co-pilot, Raleigh (Charlie Hunnam), has also lost everything to the massive invaders.
The kaiju attack on the Golden Gate Bridge is the first ever attack. There are no Jaegers at this time to defend us; those were created in reaction to the new threat from deep under the sea.
Speaking of under the sea, del Toro admits that we will get to see what’s on the other side of the inter-dimensional portal. Wouldn’t it be cool if a Jaeger ended up going through the portal? Apparently the glowing crack on the sea floor is not the portal; the actual portal is just above it and off-camera.
When the two Jaegers are dropped into the water, those are the Russian and Chinese models. I’d say the odds are favorable of them losing their battle with the kaiju. Their demise should be spectacular.
To end the commentary, Guillermo del Toro advises us that while he loves the Pacific Rim trailer, it’s Howard’s End compared to the rest of the film. Count me in.