Green Lantern High-Res Images Arrive

Fresh new images from Green Lantern starring Ryan Reynolds have made their way online.

The first images, which you can click below to view the high-resolution versions, come straight from Warner Bros. summer movie preview. Most impressive in this batch is Reynolds as Green Lantern firing a ring-constructed mini-gun. Take a close look at it as the CGI at work is quite impressive.

The last two images come from the Green Lantern comic, issue #65 to be precise. They include a pullback shot of Planet Oa where the Green Lantern Corps are congregated, as well as a description of the Green Lantern Corps in the film including some of the alien Lantern characters that will be sprinkled throughout the film.

In case you missed it, here’s the Green Lantern Wondercon trailer that singlehandedly got people psyched about the movie again.

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