Goyer Updates X-Men Origins: Magneto Status

David S. Goyer, who has had a hand in writing The Dark Knight, Batman Begins and the Flash Forward pilot, recently spoke with MTV News about another project his name has been attached to for some time.

According to Goyer there are many X-Men related spin-offs percolating at Fox including X-Men Origins: Magneto. When asked where that project stands Goyer offered, “I’ve been in touch with them [Fox]… I’m sure that project will move forward in the next year or so.”

Goyer would be a great fit to at least help write a Magneto spin-off if not direct it outright. But with Batman 3 waiting in the wings and his producing duties on Flash Forward expected to last into a second season, it is hard to imagine his schedule will pry open wide enough to shove Magneto in.

Then again, if anyone has the determination and ability to pry something, it is Magneto.

Next out the gate from Fox mutant-wise should be X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2 which is currently in the script stage and headed towards a possible 2010 shoot and 2011 release.

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