Fox and Warner Shake Hands on Watchmen

Fox and Warner Brothers haven’t been able to agree on much of anything over the past year in their heated battle for rights to The Watchmen film. The prospect of both studios losing out on cold hard cash was enough of a driver for both sides to “settle” their differences.

The Hollywood Reporter is confident Fox and Warner have reached an agreement on The Watchmen that will retain the film’s March 6 release date. Yes, fellow nerds, you can now rejoice.

Financial details of the settlement are unknown but Fox will apparently receive an up front fee and a percentage of the gross box office earnings. Both payments are expected to be huge.

The deal relinquishes Fox from any rights to future Watchmen films which should benefit Warner. The odds of a sequel run high with the steep fan interest and publicity.

The last hurdle is now infamous Judge Feess who will hear out the studios Friday morning and either dismiss the case (likely) or rule the January 20 injunction hearing moves forward. All indications are the deal is done, Feess will toss the case and the Watchmen show will go on as originally planned only with two studios cheering on its success rather than one.

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