Footage From The Dark Knight Rises Brawl

The Dark Knight Rises big splash in Pittsburgh was initially caught in still images as Batman (Christian Bale), Bane (Tom Hardy), and scores actors dressed as police officers, SWAT team members, prison thugs, and other armed men brawled on the steps of Carnegie Mellon. Now the first videos from the shoot have made their way online via YouTube that puts into perspective how insane this Christopher Nolan-directed brawl scene in fake blowing snow really is.

From what the videos and images show, a riot breaks out as Batman and Bane square off in hand-to-hand combat. Sometime during this brawl, at least one of the three camouflaged Tumbler cars speeds up onto the prison steps. You can see the Tumbler plowing up the steps and into the brawl in one of the videos below.

Thus far no one has been able to figure out when this sequence happens in the film. Some are suggesting it’s the film’s finale, but I’d like to think Nolan would keep that under tighter wraps. Another theory is it takes place early on and Selina Kyle/Catwoman (Anne Hathaway) is one of the escaped prisoners.

Also, as pointed out by a commenter in yesterday’s The Dark Knight Rises image article, one of the images appears to show Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the middle of the brawl. See below for yourself.

There’s still lots of filming on The Dark Knight Rises to take place in Pittsburgh including a big sequence at Heinz Field. Be on the lookout for new images and videos coming online over the next few weeks.

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