Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs on Blu-ray has been multiplying like Gremlins at over the past 24 hours. What was originally expected to be a single Blu-ray Disc version from Disney on October 6 now stands at a whopping FIVE offerings strong.
Let’s try to make some sense of all this.
The first version is the obvious choice with two-discs of Snow White on Blu-ray packaged with a third disc of the film in standard definition DVD in Blu-ray packaging. This one retails for $39.99.
The next version is essentially identical *except* it will be packaged in DVD packaging and marketed to DVD buyers. This format is an industry first and new attempt to penetrate the DVD ownership base with Blu-ray Discs.
From here the price begins to escalate. The Snow White Collector’s Book Set is expected to include the Blu-ray + DVD version of the movie packaged with a book. It retails for $59.99.
For $79.99 you can pick up the Snow White Dwarf Plush Pack Set that includes a small plush of all seven dwarfs.
Last, but certainly not least, the granddaddy of them all: the Snow White Limited Edition Collector’s Set. It will include at minimum the Blu-ray + DVD set housed in a red box case with a hardcover book, stills, and lapel pins of the seven dwarfs. The SRP is set at $249.99.
The first-look picture below speaks for itself. Click to enlarge.