First Cowboys & Aliens Clip Tracks an Alien

Today Universal released the first clip from Cowboys & Aliens, the sci-fi and western mash-up from director John Favreau (Iron Man) and based on the popular comic book of the same name.

The clip begins with an alien and human scuffle inside a building that Dolarhyde (Harrison Ford), Lonergan (Daniel Craig) and Ella (Olivia Wilde), amongst others witness. Pistol or rifle shots are fired before the human is smeared against the window, and the wounded alien takes off in the night. It leaves foot tracks in the dirt as well as blood. As Arnold Schwarzenegger once said about the alien Predator, “if it bleeds, we can kill it.”

Dolarhyde tells Lonergan that he will help track the alien at first light as he needs the gauntlet weapon attached Lonergan’s wrist. Lonergan says no, to which Dolarhyde whacks him upside the head with his rifle. A split-second later, Lonergan puts his fist into Dolarhyde’s face.

There should be a lot of tension between these two grizzled cowboys as they reluctantly work together to track the aliens down and retrieve their missing companions. Like Super 8, a full reveal of the alien invaders has been kept off the table prior to release.

Cowboys & Aliens descends into theaters on July 29.

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