First Avatar Footage Screened to a Standing Ovation

James Cameron’s ambitious Avatar project is now less than six months away and, until earlier today, not a single second of footage had been viewed outside the heavily guarded production.

As James Cameron strutted onto the stage at the Cinema Expo he declared “The future’s so bright I gotta wear shades!” while sporting a pair of 3-D glasses. With that simple proclamation, the legendary director revealed the first Avatar footage to a standing ovation.

The Hollywood Reporter was one of only two press outlets in attendance while Marketsaw has published a range of reactions from lucky exhibitors on hand. Comments include “The world outside is amazing. It all lives, breathes and works…” and “…the fittingly epic film promo literally added an extra dimension to Fox’s presentation at the ongoing Cinema Expo.”

Marketsaw has also posted up large promo imagery from the after party showing off the N’avi world of Pandora, as well as detailed descriptions of the clips shown. All are considered spoilerish so view at your own risk.

Now that Cameron has finally unveiled Avatar to exhibitors the odds of a Comic-Con screening of clips have risen exponentially. Due to Cameron preferring Avatar be seen in 3-D, don’t hold your breath for online clips anytime soon.

James Cameron’s Avatar will demand your dollars when it is released on December 18.

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