Fight Night Round 3 Xbox 360 review

EA has been pimping the Xbox 360 incarnation of Fight Night Round 3 for months as having the best graphics available on the console. Screenshots and videos released backed their confidence up and then earlier this month, a free demo available on Xbox Live left all our tongues wagging. Clearly this is no minor graphical enhancement between consoles like we saw in most of the Xbox 360 wave one releases. For the first time in the short history of Microsoft’s new baby, a developer has focused on the next generation version and put out one of the most visually stunning console video games ever released, though unfortunately at the expense of some other crucial game areas.

Photorealism is a term Microsoft executives have tossed around for well over a year now to describe the capabilities of Xbox 360. EA Chicago is the first developer to come close to capturing the essence of photorealistic graphics in-game with… (full review).

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