Duncan Jones to Helm WWII Submarine Thriller

Moon director Duncan Jones has been tapped to helm the upcoming World War II submarine thriller Escape From The Deep.

Per The Hollywood Reporter, the film based on Alex Kershaw’s novel of the same name chronicles the true story of the USS Tang. The American submarine suffered a torpedo malfunction during combat operations in WWII which killed half the crew and sunk the ship. Only 9 members of the crew were able to make it to the surface where they were picked up by the Japanese and tortured while being held as POWs.

Escape From The Deep marks the second directing gig for Jones whose Moon, starring Sam Rockwell, has been showered with critical praise from early screenings. The tension Jones’ directing style displays in the Moon trailers should work perfectly inside the tight confines of a doomed submarine.

No timetable has been attached to Escape From The Deep’s production. Moon, recently purchased by Sony Pictures Classics, should see a limited release this summer with a hopeful Blu-ray bow later this year.

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