Don’t Forget About Capcom’s Remember Me

Don't Forget About Capcom's Remember MeCapcom has their work cut out for them trying to get Remember Me into the minds of gamers during the game’s launch week, which is unfortunate as it’s a game whose willingness to take risks and think outside the box deserves some attention.

The new IP and first game from developer Dontnod Entertainment has been in development for roughly four years and is being released for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 this Tuesday, June 4 in North America. I reckon not all of you knew that, and some might not have even heard of the game before.

Remember Me arrives exactly one week before E3 kicks off in Los Angeles, California. Not just any E3, but one that will feature the launch lineup for new next generation consoles from Microsoft and Sony. Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are at the forefront of online chatter and hype, followed by some heavy hitting first-party titles from Nintendo for Wii U, leaving little room for the launch of Remember Me to be remembered at all.

There’s also a little PlayStation 3 exclusive from the fine folks at Naughty Dog dropping in less than two weeks. If Naughty Dog had developed Remember Me and Dontnod Entertainment The Last of Us, would the hype be reversed? There’s room for arguments on both sides, for certain.

If you can get passed the odd made-up names, these trailers should effectively put Remember Me on your radar.

It will be a shame if gamers skip over Remember Me simply because it’s coming from an unproven developer and being overshadowed by E3 and a big PS3 console exclusive release. Our review of Remember Me is still under embargo, but I can safely say that it’s one of the more creatively inspired action games of recent memory. Don’t let it be forgotten.

Click here to pre-order Remember Me with free shipping at

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