Dexter Season 6 Full Trailer and Premiere Date Revealed

The arrival of Showtime’s Dexter at Comic-Con did not disappoint yesterday as a new trailer and the season 6 premiere date were released to those at the Con and the rest of us not.

Previous interviews with Dexter showrunners and a one-minute promotional video told us that this season, Dex will grapple with the notion that his Dark Passenger may serve a higher purpose from an even higher power. The addition of Edward James Olmos (Battlestar Galactica) and Colin Hanks to the cast as a religious professor and student, respectively, support this idea. Get ready for your imagination to kick into overdrive.

The two-minute Dexter season 6 trailer you’re about to watch begins with a 30-second clip of Dex dispatching of an “evil” person with a Jesus tattoo on his upper body. The victim tries to tell Dexter that God forgives sins, but Dexter’s not buying it and does what he does best.

For another two minutes the clip treats us to a series of quick-cut scenes from the upcoming season. You get looks at the new characters including those played by Olmos and Hanks, as well as all the returning favorites.

What has my mind stirring is how this trailer blatantly sets up Olmos and Hanks to be the bad guys for the season. I have some theories as to how their story might unfold with a potential “kill” triangle, but will save those for another article.

Dexter season 6 will get a slightly late start this year when it premieres on Sunday, October 2 at 9pm EST/PST exclusively on Showtime.

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