Devilish Volturi Jane in Twilight New Moon Set Visit Report

A flurry of partial The Twilight Saga: New Moon set visit reports hit the web almost exactly a month ago. One of the websites involved, Fandango, has just gotten around to publishing the second half of theirs.

The reason for sharing this news is the author’s detailed description of an encounter between Volturi vampire Jane (Dakota Fanning) and Edward (Robert Pattinson). This scene has been mentioned in passing before about now we get a clearer picture of what Dakota is bringing to the film after her reveal in the new trailer.

“As Aro gives Jane the green light to try her power on Bella, Edward runs in front of her and he receives the full fury of Jane’s infliction,” the author states. “…She hardly blinks. As Bella begs her to stop, Jane keeps staring, and her lips curve into a faint, smug smile.”

The lovey dovey stuff in Twilight isn’t for me. But Dakota Fanning on a mean streak against a guy we’re sick of hearing about? That has potential. Besides, she is long overdue a shot at channeling the dark side for a change.

Head over to Fandango to read the rest of their New Moon set visit report.

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