Comic-Con: First Look at Aged Caesar in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Comic-Con: First Look at Aged Caesar in Dawn of the Planet of the ApesFox’s upcoming Rise of the Planet of the Apes sequel, dubbed Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, was the recipient of a dedicated panel at the San Diego Comic-Con yesterday. The panel included a short collage of footage from the film, the first ever shown to the public. That footage, which I have seem described as “atmospheric” by numerous journalists in attendance, will remain exclusive to attendees of Hall H for the time being, but Fox did throw the rest of us a small bone as a consolation prize.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is set roughly 10 years after the events of Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Caesar (Andy Serkis) has become a leader after liberating and strengthening the minds of his fellow apes, and also a husband and a father. Most of mankind has been wiped out by the same virus that gives the apes their intelligence. The apes are living in a human-free society amongst the ruins of what mankind left behind.

That changes when a group of humans including Keri Russell and Jason Clarke stumble upon the apes society and need their help to survive. This throws a monkey wrench into the apes society and the table is set for conflict.

The Dawn of the Planet of the Apes sneak peek Comic-Con footage concluded with a shot of Caesar with warpaint on his face. His one arm is in a military “hold” position, as you can see in the first still from the footage that Fox released this evening. Per the footage, Caesar then commands his ape army in the trees to attack, though it is never shown who the adversary is.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is directed by Matt Reeves, a huge fan of the original damn dirty apes as he revealed during the Comic-Con panel. Caesar and his pals return to the big screen a little less than a year from now on July 18, 2014. A public look at the first footage from the film is expected to be delivered later this year.

First Look at Caesar in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes from Comic-Con

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