Batman Begins and The Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan has confirmed his intent to finish what he started by directing the third and final film in his caped crusader trilogy, Batman 3.
Though Warner Bros. has yet to issue any comments about Batman 3’s cast and crew since announcing a July 2012 release date, Nolan all but promises he’ll be the one calling the shots when cameras begin rolling sometime next year. “It’s becoming inevitable, I’ll put it that way,” Nolan remarked when asked about directing the third Batman installment by Empire. “I feel myself falling into it, I guess. And getting it all figured out and I’m pretty excited about what we’re doing so… If I haven’t announced it, I think that people probably all know at this point that I’m doing it.”
When asked if it is safe to assume he’ll be directing the response was, “I think you can at this point, yes.”
Screenwriter Jonathan Nolan has been working on the Batman 3 script with his brother Christopher. Other than Michael Caine claiming shooting should commence in May of next year, little else is known about where the film stands.
Source: Empire