Bulletstorm ‘Red Ring of Death’ Homage

So you’re busy battling in a multiplayer match of newly released Bulletstorm and you come across a door. With a familiar locking mechanism. One that brings back haunting memories.

The folks at Team Lag discovered a door in Bulletstorm whose locking mechanism pays homage to the Xbox 360 ‘Red Ring of Death.’ The lock rings light up red when you fail to open the door using the console which basically self destructs. When you figure out how to open the door it lights up an Xbox 360 green.

Anyone who owned an Xbox 360 within its first couple years of availability has no doubt experienced the ‘Red Ring of Death.’ It’s no fun to fire up your $300+ console and watch it effectively die in an instant.

Team Lag discovered the ‘RROD’ on the Xbox 360 version of Bulletstorm. Thus far no one playing the PS3 or PC version has spoken up to say if it’s there as well. If it were would those players even get the joke?

Source: Kotaku

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