Brothers Teaser Poster Arrives

The first teaser poster for Lionsgate’s Brothers was delivered to Cinematical and, as you can see below, is quite simple and elegant.

In Brothers, Tobey Maguire plays Sam, a Marine whose chopper is gunned down in battle and presumed lost. Back home, Sam’s brother Tommy (Jake Gyllenhaal) turns over a new leaf fresh out of prison by consoling Sam’s wife Grace (Natalie Portman) and her children. Later, Sam shockingly returns home after being captured and tortured by Taliban fighters, shifting the family dynamic into super uncomfortable territory.

The cool thing about this poster is the cut through Natalie Portman that fragments her body. Symbolically the two segments of her represent the portion of her heart belonging to each brother. It’s hard to imagine the complicated dynamic ending peacefully.

If you haven’t already, check out the Brothers teaser trailer right here. Then head over to Cinematical to view a super high-res version of the poster.

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