Britney Spears Wanted for a WWII Movie

This kind of casting rumor is not something you see everyday.

Multiple sources around the Internet are reporting Britney Spears has been approached to star in an upcoming romantic drama. If a deal is signed, Britney would begin filming at the conclusion of her current tour.

The film she is attached to is The Yellow Star of Sophia Eton. Brit would play the lead role of Sophia who travels back in time to World War II and meets a Jewish man, Eton, in a concentration camp. After falling in love, Sophia wishes to bring Eton back to her time so they can marry away from the Nazi regime.

Britney’s last and only notable role was in 2002’s Crossroads where she played a teenager who eventually lost her virginity. With minimal acting experience and a tabloid-filled history, hiring Brit would be a monumental risk hard to imagine anyone would be willing to take.

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