Brad Pitt and Zombies on a Plane in World War Z Trailer

Brad Pitt and Zombies on a Plane in World War Z TrailerI was hoping the next trailer for World War Z starring Brad Pitt and Mireille Enos would give us an intimate look at the savage and speedy zombies rather than a wide lens depiction of massive zombie packs acting like insects. Alas it did not, but it does offer an ample selection of new footage and prove that flying during a zombie apocalypse isn’t the greatest idea.

The trailer begins with Pitt and Enos enjoying a typical family breakfast with their kids while the television behind them shows some kind of chaos erupting in another part of the world. From there it shifts to a sequence we’ve seen bits and pieces of before where Pitt and his family make their way to a rooftop and board a helicopter just in time before zombies can gobble them up.

There’s plenty new footage of zombies trying to mound climb into a compound where human survivors are holed up, and a helicopter dispatched to topple the mound that ends up getting taken down after zombies jump on it.

The big new scene is at the end where Brad Pitt’s character is flying coach (it’s probably been a long time since Pitt has done that) in an airplane when a zombie or zombies, it’s too hard to tell, go berserk on the plane, a hole gets ripped open and people get sucked out into the sky Iron Man 3-style.

Fast and super aggressive zombies are certainly more dangerous to the more slow and methodical flesh eaters we’re accustomed to. Their speed on camera makes it hard to discern what’s going on and who is a zombie versus who is a human. All you see are blurs of people piling on top of each other. Hopefully the distinction is clearer up on the big screen and a closer look at the zombies is being deliberately kept out of the public’s eye until the film releases.

World War Z opens in theaters everywhere on June 21. Watch the new trailer and see a new theatrical one-sheet poster below.

Brad Pitt and Zombies on a Plane in World War Z Trailer

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