Shortly after Activision announced that Call of Duty: Ghosts will transfer stats from the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game to the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions, respectively, Electronic Arts came out and said that Battlefield 4 has that nifty new feature, too.
Here’s how it will work. If you buy the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 version of Battlefield 4 on its first day of availability on October 29, all stats accrued while playing including awards, rank, and more will be transferred to the next-gen version in the same console family when that version is released sometime in November. It allows next-gen adopters to get a head start on current-gen consoles, then pick up right where they left off when Xbox One and PlayStation 4 arrive on the scene.
EA has also announced that DICE will be offering Premium membership for Battlefield 4 that will include DLC packs, weekly content and more. This, too, will transfer from current to next-gen consoles.
More details about the Premium membership will be unveiled during EA’s Gamescom press event on August 20 at 10am EST. We will provide a live stream of the event if EA chooses to provide one.
Pre-order Battlefield 4 for Xbox 360, PS3, PS4 or Xbox One at with free shipping.