I doubt anyone need further incentive to pick up Batman: Arkham City when it’s released next week. If you do, here’s something to get the blood pumping.
With Robin revealed earlier as a playable DLC character coming on November 22, it only seems natural that Nightwing gets some love. He’ll be available on November 1 in the Nightwing Bundle Pack complete with special moves, gadgets, and two new challenge maps: Main Hall and Wayne Manor. Like Robin, he’s only playable in the challenge maps.
The Nightwing Bundle DLC, and separately Robin Bundle, will each cost 560 Microsoft Points or $6.99 via the Playstation Network.
Batman: Arkham City swoops into stores on Xbox 360, PS3 and the PC on October 18.
Click here to pre-order Batman: Arkham City on the platform of your choice at Amazon.com and earn $10 off a future purchase at the retailer for doing so.