Alien Quadrilogy Blu-ray Confirmed… in France

The first “proof” Fox is working on an Alien Quadrilogy set for Blu-ray Disc comes from France of all places. And since it comes from the horse’s mouth there is no questioning the source.

Readers of the French website Resetmag opened up copies of the new French James Bond Volume 3 collection on Blu-ray Disc and found a Fox flier packaged inside. On that flier is a coming soon notice for Alien Quadrilogy complete with box art.

Investigative work and timing point towards this set coming out here stateside this fall. It is the 30th anniversary of Ridley Scott’s Alien and Fox loves to introduce a big lavish catalog set for the holiday shopping season. Put the two together and it is a marketing slam dunk.

Our last inquiry into Fox asking about the Quadrilogy on Blu-ray was met with a blunt “not true” remark. Sounds like damage control to me. The picture below speaks for itself. Even if this turns out to be an elaborate hoax, I stand by my prediction that November will bring us all four Alien films on Blu-ray.

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