The extra dollars accumulated by Warner Bros. for the extra $3 per ticket to 3D showings of Clash of the Titans has prompted two more studios to jump on the post-production 3D bandwagon with wallets wide open.
First out the gate will be Paramount’s The Last Airbender which was directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Per Variety, 3D tests have been underway for roughly a year and they have just now decided to pull the trigger using Stereo D (same technology Avatar used) after Titans success. Deadline Hollywood reports Shyamalan is quite anal about the presentation of his films but the tests were enough to win him over.
More controversial is the decision by Sony to not only add 3D to The Green Hornet, but push its release date back three weeks to January 14, 2011 from the more lucrative December 22, 2010 slot it had previously occupied. Rumor are circulating that there’s trouble with The Green Hornet production making the film unreleasable in its current state, but according to Deadline Hollywood, Sony wants the extra three weeks to get the 3D conversion process right.
Working to The Green Hornet’s technological advantage is that none of the visual effects shots have been started yet. With a 3D green light, Sony claims the film will be a 3D “enhancement” rather than “conversion.”
Let’s be honest here. How many of you are even the least bit excited to see The Green Hornet right now? Did you even care when the Black Beauty debuted at Comic-Con last summer? The buzz for Disney Tron Legacy, which The Green Hornet would have been up against in its old December slot, is infinitely more palpable. Sure seems like Sony is retreating rather than strengthening.