One More Star Wars: The Force Awakens Character Poster

The last entry in a series of Star Wars: The Force Awakens character posters may be the least in stature, but could end up being the character that steals every scene he’s in.

At the 10 day countdown mark to the film’s opening on December 18. the official Star Wars Twitter account tweeted out an image of the astromech droid BB-8. It’s a still image from the second trailer scene where BB-8 pokes his head around the corner of a Millennium Falcon hallway after seeing or hearing something interesting.

Ironically this poster gives us our clearest look yet at the droid poised to steal everyone’s heart. He’s got some wear and tear on him, just like R2-D2 did when we first met them. Theoretically BB-8 has recently seen some action on Jakku before boarding the Falcon so that might explain the look.

It’s almost impossible to look online or on TV right now and not see some kind of new Star Wars: The Force Awakens advertisement so we’re going on hiatus from reporting TV spots and the like until after the film comes out.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens character poster

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