We all have down days sometimes. Some more than others! If you’re feeling sorry for yourself and you’re in need of an emotional pick-me-up movie to stir the senses, Hollywood has written and directed heaps of inspirational hit movies that are guaranteed to lift your mood.
Let’s take a peek at our ‘famous five’ most inspirational films of all time that have that feel-good feeling oozing from their every scene.
Forrest Gump
Undoubtedly one of Tom Hanks’ finest roles, Forrest Gump tells the story of a man who’s by no means the sharpest tool in the shed but benefits from being one of the most kind-hearted guys alive. As Forrest himself admits, “life is like a box of chocolates… you never know what you’re gonna get”. We believe that’s an incredible mantra with which to live your life. Make the most of every different event that life throws at you and cherish the here and now rather than worry about what the future may bring!
The perfect underdog tale, Rocky is surely one of the finest sporting movies of all time. Sly Stallone is the perfect character to play Rocky – a man in his physical pomp and certainly capable of demonstrating the fighting spirit Rocky needed to defy the odds and make his mark in the ring. Rocky, an “instantly recognizable classic”, recently made a list of the top life changing films as compiled by online gaming site Lottoland, appearing at number six.
Billy Elliot
A hit British feel-good flick, Billy Elliot teaches us that, in the modern world, there are no restrictions that society should impose upon us in our search for happiness. As a young boy, Billy Elliot – the son of a boxing fanatic – was fascinated by ballet dancing and held ambitions to excel as a dancer in the face of significant mockery by family and friends. His success and self-belief are remarkable for one so young.
The Pursuit of Happyness
A genuine tear jerker and based on a true story, Will Smith plays the role of Christopher Gardner, a man with just one ambition in life: to become a successful stockbroker. It’s a film that motivates you to pick yourself up from life’s knock-downs and bounce back to be twice the success. After being forced to sleep rough with his young son – losing his bank account and credit cards – Gardner eventually gets a break and succeeds in the financial markets to achieve financial independence for him and his family. A real triumph for perseverance and belligerence!
The Shawshank Redemption
The brainchild of award-winning horror author, Stephen King, The Shawshank Redemption is on the lips of many when it comes to all-time favorite movies. Andy and Red are in jail facing up to life imprisonment, but Andy’s positive mentality begins to rub off on the others, dedicating themselves to escaping jail. His refusal to give up is heartwarming and an inspiration to all experiencing hard times.
It’s almost certain that at least one of these five movies will resonate with you and potentially help to change your personal mindset for the better.
Image attribution: Rocky Balboa” (CC BY 2.0) by SDWelch1031