Skylanders Trap Team Characters List Details Launch Wave

Activision’s Skylanders Trap Team is rapidly approaching its October 5, 2014 release date and there’s still some confusion floating around out there about what will be available to buy on day one and which figures and villain Traps will comprise Wave 1 of product.

I’ve done some digging and put together a comprehensive list of all the Skylanders Trap Team Wave 1 products that work with the game. This includes toys available at all retail outlets as well as a handful of retail exclusives, par for the norm when it comes to a new Skylanders outing.

There are a couple caveats I want to share before digging into the list below. Some of this will be considered obvious for franchise veterans, but others might need the refresher.

First, note that the villain Traps are elementally aligned and there are eight elements at the time of launch with two additional elements being added later on. Although each villain Trap can only hold one villain at a time, you only need to purchase one Trap from each Elemental group to catch all the villains save for Kaos. He requires the Kaos Trap, and that trap is only available in the Dark Edition Starter Pack at launch, though will be available separately at a later date (note: rumors suggest he may trickle out individually at launch, but there’s no hard evidence yet on the second-hand market).

Each of the Trap three-packs includes Traps from unique Elemental Groups. If you buy a Starter Pack and each of the villain Trap three-packs, you will have all eight Elemental groups represented in Traps without a single duplicate.

Even though the eight Sidekicks characters released via Frito-Lay and GameStop promotions in the past are now fully playable in Trap Team, Activision has deviously packaged the new Skylanders Minis figures in two-packs that each include one of the former Sidekicks with a new red bases, and an all-new character. If you want all 16 Skylanders Minis and have the eight Sidekicks already, be prepared to own eight duplicates unless you consider a different base color to be a big deal.

Blades is a new core Skylander that is only available in either one of the character three-packs or the first Adventure Pack. He will be available as a single pack figure at a later date.

Here’s the Skylanders Trap Team characters list for Wave 1, the launch wave. Each of the items below is linked to their pre-order/buy page at, as well as Walmart, Toys “R” Us and Target for the exclusives. Please let me know using the comments below if I missed something.

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For those of you keeping count, to purchase one of everything without duplicates or repaints, including the Dark Edition Starter Pack required for the Kaos Trap, will set you back just over $321 at prices.

Skylanders Trap Team Characters List

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