Project Cars Hits Another Speed Bump as Release Date Falls Back to April 2015

Slightly Mad Studios and Bandai Namco have put the brakes on the realistic racer Project Cars for the second time in the past three months. The game was originally planned for release in November 2014 before it was pushed to March 17. This latest Project Cars delay slides the release date back another three weeks to April 7, 2015.

The announcement addresses the PC-Steam, Xbox One and PS4 versions of the game. Not referenced is the fate of the Wii U version that at last check was scheduled for a 2015 release. Assuming the Wii U version is still in development, I wouldn’t expect to see it speed into stores until sometime later in the year.

“Moving the release date was not an easy decision to make, as we know our fans are eager to get their hands-on on Project Cars”, said Ian Bell, Head of Studio at Slightly Mad Studios in the announcement. “But we know that these extra days will allow us to provide the best game experience that our fans deserve. We assure you the wait will be worth it when the game does arrive early April.”

The news of another Project Cars delay will only add to the game’s anticipation and thin the patience threshold for bugs or other unfavorable game quirks. An expectation of perfection is baked in and it appears both developer Slightly Mad Studios and publisher Bandai Namco are willing to take the time to ensure fans will be pleased with the finished result.

Project Cars Release Date

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