‘Fallout’ Mash-Up Pack Coming to ‘Minecraft: Console Editions’ This Month

Later this month a Fallout Mash-Up Pack is coming to Minecraft: Console Editions including Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Wii U, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita. An exact date remains elusive yet considering the month has two weeks left I’d expect an announcement within the next few days.

The Fallout Mash-Up Pack is more than merely a reskinning of the overworld. Yes, the overworld has been chiseled into a bleak wasteland ripe for exploration and you’ll have a whopping 44 skins to choose from including Vault Boy; Fawkes the philosophical supermutant; robo-sleuth, Nick Valentine; Tinker Tom; Paladin Cross; and Jangles The Moon Monkey.

The Minecraft team went a step further and reworked the AI a “a retro-futuristic overhaul in honor of the Pip-Boy.” What does that mean? We’ll have to wait until the Fallout Mash-Up Pack drops to find out.

You’ll be able to pick up the Fallout Mash-Up Pack on a to-be-announced date for $5.99. Watch the impressive Fallout Mash-Up Pack trailer below.


Source: Minecraft

Fallout Mash-Up Pack

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