Dead Rising 3 Online Co-op Multiplayer and Super-Combo Weapons: New Screens

Dead Rising 3 Online Co-op Multiplayer and Super-Combo Weapons: New ScreensCapcom used TGS as an opportunity to unveil online cooperative multiplayer for Dead Rising 3, the Xbox One exclusive that is shaping up to be the launch title to own on Microsoft’s new next generation console.

Dead Rising 3 supports two player co-op over Xbox Live with seamless drop in-and-out at anytime gameplay. When you hop into another player’s game, all your experience points and campaign progression earned in their game will automatically be applied to your own single player campaign, assuming you had one. No more playing cooperatively with a friend and not getting all the Achievements or story progression in your own game.

The new co-op player is Dick, a trucker who sees Nick Ramos, the game’s main protagonist, as a means to escape the zombie-riddled city of Los Perdidos. Dick will also play a “key role” in the Dead Rising 3 story, though to what extent remains to be seen.

Taking combo weapons to a new level of awesomeness and absurdity are Super-combo weapons. These bad boys require at least three components to construct and in most cases multiple steps and blueprints to complete. They are designed to take out large masses of zombie in one swift stroke. Examples include the Massive Bomb, a miniature nuke that takes out all zombies nearby as well as your clothes; Ultimate Powershot, a concussive horn comprised of traffic cones; and the Ultimate Grim Reaper, pieced together from a scythe, gas canister, mask, and katana sword. Each Super-combo weapon can also be customized with unique abilities.

Capcom also confirms that the Freedom Bear from Dead Rising 2 will be returning, only now he can be customized in eight different ways including adding gatling guns and a boombox to lure zombies. You can see the Freedom Bear along with three other new high-res Dead Rising 3 screenshots below.

Dead Rising 3 will be available to own on November 22.

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