‘Counter Strike: Global Offensive’ After The Dust Settles

Like previous games in the Counter Strike series, Counter Strike: Global Offensive is an objective-driven first-person-shooter where two teams (terrorists and counter terrorists) compete to complete objectives to win the game. These objectives vary depending on which team the player is on, for example, the terrorist team may need to secure a location to plant a bomb and the counter-terrorist team would need to take out the terrorist team and diffuse the bomb. Along with a variety of objectives there are also a variety of game maps to play in. Counter Strike: Global Offensive, or CS:GO, has been going strong for over 12 years, and part of its huge success can be attributed to its changing with the times.

The last few weeks have seen plenty of changes in the world of CS:GO. First off, we had the massive gaming community in China welcomed into the fold, making it a truly global game. Secondly, updates to pistols were added most notably to the Glock and the Sig P250. The updates are intended to make the Glock more accurate at shorter distance engagements and the Sig P250 to be more accurate at longer distance engagements. But that’s not all, as now the Dust II map has been updated. Since its release, the Dust II map has been considered the quintessential Counter Strike: Global Offensive map. Not only is it played on many servers, but it is often used for tournaments as well.

Just like the Weapons in Counter Strike: Global Offensive, the Dust II map has recently been given a new skin to bring it in line with current maps whilst still retaining its pure form. The changes to the map have been introduced to make players more readable throughout the map, refine player movement around the map including the use of cover and to replace some of the dated visuals and themes with those that are more current. With the Dust II map having a new look, site Case51 have updated a host of new skins and cases for players’ weapons, for gamers who prefer to carry a sense of individuality in their gameplay and for those who want to gain a sneaky advantage.

The Leet Krew, villains from Dust II that are now infamous, have also been updated to match the changes made to the map. Weapons have been upgraded, Chinese gamers (12,252,139 unique players online in the last month) are now part of the CS:GO Community and new skins are available. There has never been a better time to get online and play the game whether you want to explore the Dust II map, the Nuke map and Overpass map, which are both firm favorites with the professional gaming scene as they promote more tactical gameplay. But there are many more maps to play and many ways to play Counter Strike: Global Offensive but whatever your play style and whatever map is your favorite, just remember it is only a game… or is it?

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

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