Autism Speaks and Activision Partner for Power Blue Skylanders Figures and Vehicles

April is Autism Awareness month, and Activision and Autism Speaks have joined forces to spread awareness through limited edition Power Blue Skylanders SuperChargers figures and vehicles that you will be able to purchase at retail.

Two Skylanders SuperChargers figures and vehicles have each been given a blue and white Power Blue color scheme that reflects the official colors of Autism Speaks. In addition the packaging for these toys is also blue and white making for a striking appearance on store shelves, and each figure and vehicle will appear in their Power Blue colors in the game on PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and Wii U.

Be on the lookout for Power Blue versions of Splat and Trigger Happy, as well as their SuperCharged vehicles Splatter Splasher and Gold Rusher, that are arriving in stores now in the United States and Europe. Canada will see these figures on store shelves beginning April 1st.

“Since the debut of the franchise, we’ve heard from parents that Skylanders plays a special role in the lives of their kids on the autism spectrum,” said Josh Taub, senior vice president of Skylanders Product Management, Activision, in the press release. “The entire Skylanders team was deeply committed and proud to bring these special toys to life. If they can put a smile on a child’s face, then we know we’ve done our job right.”

I have all four of the Power Blue Skylanders toys in hand and Splat is the best looking of the bunch. Images of each in their package are below.

Power Blue Skylanders

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