‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Blu-ray and 4K Ultra HD Selling Like Hotcakes at Amazon

Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok Blu-ray and 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray are finally available to purchase at Amazon.com now that the official release date has arrived.

You might expect the latest and greatest entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to be extremely popular upon its release, and you would be correct.

As the second Marvel film released on 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray and third by Disney, the Thor: Ragnarok 4K UHD is currently the second best selling title on Amazon’s Blu-ray Bestsellers chart since becoming available. Not too shabby for a 4K title and a testament to the format’s acceptance.

There’s only one title ahead of Thor: Ragnarok 4K  and that’s the Thor: Ragnarok Blu-ray combo pack that also includes the Blu-ray and DVD. Marvel and movie fans in general are gobbling up the arguably funniest Marvel movie yet to put on their shelves.

What’s impressive about Thor’s popularity is his third outing was able to jump over all of Sunday night’s Oscar winners including The Shape of Water, Coco and more. Coco had been leading the pack less than 24 hours ago.

The God of Thunder still has a lot left in the tank despite his home world being obliterated and his people being castoff into the depths of space.

Thor: Ragnarok Blu-ray

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