The Walking Dead Season 4 Deleted Scene Starring Hershel and Michonne

Hershel Greene and Michonne took a lot of abuse in The Walking Dead Season 4 as both of them were captured by the Governor and used as collateral to negotiate with Rick and his group at the prison. As this new The Walking Dead Season 4 deleted scene from the upcoming Blu-ray and DVD reveals, they would have taken even more verbal abuse had the scene not been cut.

The scene from the episode ‘Too Far Gone’ features Hershel and Michonne in the Governor’s clutches, being watched with a careful eye by lackey Mitch (Kirk Acevedo) in a trailer. Mitch has himself quite the mouth and isn’t afraid to taunt and threaten the prisoners verbally and with a knife.

What Mitch doesn’t understand is that Michonne is no “rasta bitch” and could beat him into a pulp if she wanted. She almost gets that chance when Mitch gets too close and Michonne steals his knife. Only a gun bails Mitch out, but he soon learns that acting outside The Governor’s orders isn’t a well advised idea.

The Walking Dead Season 4 makes its home video debut on August 26 in standard Blu-ray and DVD editions as well as the creepy Tree Zombie set.

The Walking Dead Season 4 deleted scene

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