Amazing Rainbow 6 Patriots Target Gameplay Footage

Amazing Rainbow 6 Patriots Target Gameplay FootageA couple days ago, Ubisoft announced team Rainbow 6 would return in 2013 and face a new homegrown terrorist threat unlike anything they’ve gone up against before in Rainbow 6 Patriots. More information would be available in the December issue of Game Informer, and then we were looking at potentially several more months to see anything else.

In a preemptive strike against a probable leak, Ubisoft Montreal has released a six-and-a-half minute target gameplay reel created a year ago to internally sell their vision for the game. No further information about the potential leak is offered, but the bottom line is we get to see this amazing footage that might have otherwise remained behind closed doors until mid-next year or permanently.

The footage starts in an upscale housing unit complete with an iPad. Shown through the perspective of a man, we see his wife appear with a cupcake to celebrate his birthday. Context-sensitive requests ask the player to blow out the candle and then kiss his wife. It’s quite Heavy Rain-esque. Then, things get nasty.

Armed intruders burst into the unit and take the couple, along with a child that is never seen, hostage. The man is knocked out, awakened en-route to Times Square, and told to make his way there while holding a detonator after the van they’re in comes under attack on the Brooklyn Bridge (at least I think it is; my New York bridge landmark knowledge isn’t up to snuff).

What happens next is the type of firefight you’d expect in a Rainbow 6 game, in a location you wouldn’t expect. I won’t spoil how it ends so you’ll have to watch below. Let’s just say it’s unexpected and drives home the type of threat Ubisoft Montreal is building into Rainbow 6 Patriots. I, for one, and officially excited to see what’s next.

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