The Dark Knight Rises Trailer Coming Monday

Warner Bros. has opted to let The Dark Knight Rises trailer remain a theatrical exclusive in front of the final Harry Potter through the weekend. The official high definition version of the trailer will appear sometime on Monday, July 18.

The date has been reported by multiple outlets who were contact by Warner Bros. legal team to remove a bootlegged version of The Dark Knight Rises trailer that began circulating online several days ago. Lawyers have been scrambling since it first appeared to remove all mirrored instances, and continue to scramble through the weekend to complete a task comparable to stopping a spreading virus.

Many people have seen The Dark Knight Rises trailer in front of Harry Potter already with mixed reactions. It’s a “teaser” in the true sense of the word with very few new images. Anne Hathaway as Catwoman is absent, though previously revealed Bane is given a couple split-seconds of face time.

The biggest gripe amongst fans is the trailer’s voiceover by a wounded Commissioner Gordon (Gary Oldman). I’ve read multiple comments attacking the dialogue as being “too simplistic” to have come from Christopher Nolan. This point was one of the main reasons many thought the first descriptive leak of the trailer was false.

As far as Nolan Batman trailers go this will prove to be one of, if not the most unmemorable. I suspect the next trailer will deliver the goods fans were impatiently and unrealistically expecting this early one to.

For more on The Dark Knight Rises, check out our story about filming at Heinz Field and photos of the Tumbler showing up on the streets of Pittsburgh.

Stop back Monday for the high definition version of The Dark Knight Rises trailer and a couple high resolution screen caps.

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