Ridley Scott Wants to Top Avatar with Alien Prequels

In an interview with UK’s The Independent, Ridley Scott opened up a little bit about what he hopes to accomplish with his upcoming Alien prequel films – both thematically and with audiences.

“The film will be really tough, really nasty,” he said. “It’s the dark side of the moon. We are talking about gods and engineers. Engineers of space. And were the aliens designed as a form of biological warfare? Or biology that would go in and clean up a planet?”

These remarks are making the films sound like an Alien origin story where we might see this Space Jockey race create the monsters with a purpose in mind. Perhaps the Space Jockey always had control of the Aliens and his crashing on LV-426 was due to unrelated circumstances. I’m dieing to know.

If you’re thinking the Alien prequels will be along the lines of the latter Alien films, think again. Scott is eyeing more of a grandiose Avatar presentation which would naturally be required if the film revolves around the ginormous Space Jockeys. “Jim’s raised the bar and I’ve got to jump to it,” he says in reference to James Cameron’s Avatar. “He’s not going to get away with it.”

Scott will shoot the two Alien prequel films back-to-back in 3D. Jon Spaihts wrote the original screenplay which Lost’s Damon Lindelof is currently fine tuning.

Source: The Independent

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