Opening the Jason Bourne Trilogy Blu-ray Set

The Jason Bourne Trilogy is set to be a hot Blu-ray Disc release on January 27 but it doesn’t come cheap. You can’t buy the films individually so owning a piece of any Bourne film on Blu-ray will set you back $76.99 per the current pre-order price.

After Universal’s Battlestar Galactica HD DVD packaging debacle I wondered what direction Universal would take with this equally high profile and high dollar multi-disc set. Would they cheap out again or spend a few extra bucks and beef it up?

The mailman dropped off our review set today and I dug into the packaging immediately. The bottom line in the simplest of terms: it doesn’t suck.

Universal has taken a page from Warner’s Blu-ray packaging templates by creating a hard-book outer case with a piece of paper hot glued on the back with disc contents and film synopses.

Jason Bourne’s character on the left is actually a hard magnetized flap that peels open to gain access to the discs inside. Each disc is packaged inside a separate Blu-ray Disc case as if they were being sold separately. Instead of discs sitting on cheap rubber pegs inside a flimsy package like Battlestar Galactica was, Universal has two strong layers of protection for each of the three discs in this set.

I took a quick rough pictorial of opening the package which you can check out below. If you’ve already pre-ordered the set or are on the fence hopefully these images will either solidify your decision or push you in one direction or the other.

Click here to pre-order The Bourne Trilogy on Blu-ray for $76.99 from

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